woo i gave blood today. ha. it seemed more painful than the previous time. the nurse anyhow poke the needle.
anyway, i volunteered to join the publicity committee thing in church. ha. dunno why also. and im supposed to help design and writeup the announcements and whatever for future church events. With serene helping.
omg i think my creative factor is like 0.05% (and cheryl is about 99%)
here's what i have after 30 minutes of playing around with effects.. i had no idea what i wanted anyway, i know it's ugly and crap, was just playing around as i said.
ignore the pink border i did it in frustration because after i was done i was like 'omgwtfbbqpwnzor this is so freaking ugly!' so i just anyhow draw over it. wanted to draw tictactoe or something over it. arghh.
ok you know what i'm so ashamed of it i'll just put a thumbnail. i dont even know why i'm putting it up. don't click.
Ok i can critique it myself.. no flow.. no theme.. (i was just randomly playing with effects) .. no color blending.. I think the only thing i like about it is the vector (yes the black shadow is vectored off a real picture) and the heart.